The patented Under Ring was created after numerous complaints of poorly fitting rings on fingers affected by arthritis or a sports injury. Made of liquid silicone rubber, non allergenic, and made in the USA, the Under Ring is designed to be placed on the finger before the ring is worn. It is made with a grooved top waiting for the ring to be placed over it. Since it is positioned under your customers ring, it fills the gap needed for the perfect fit.
The Under Ring is available in 8 popular sizes, 4/6, 4/8, 5/8, 5/10, 6/10, 6/11, 9/11, & 9/13. Labeled with the finger size first and the ring or knuckle size second, for example her finger measures a 5 but her knuckle is an 8, you simply select the 5/8.
The Under Ring is available as an assortment which includes all 8 sizes, a display box, and a Multisizer to help measure where the ring rests. Check out the website www.underring.com for more info.