Select Jewelry Shows, which were started in 2010, are smaller, more personal events featuring 55-65 of the most popular lines and prestigious brands. The Select Shows offer comfort and convenience for the retail jeweler. The unique format enables jewelry retailers to network with and create lasting relationships with nationally recognized fine jewelry designers and manufacturers in important categories a retail jeweler needs to achieve sales success.
“The size of the event is great, not overwhelming, filled with great vendors too. The combination of the event venue and the people are wonderful.” Leo Poisson, Portsmouth Jewelers
“The show is fabulous! The presentation was professional, friendly and very approachable. We will be back year after year.” Cheryl Clifford, Designs by Cher (1st time attendee)
“I saw a lot of class at the show including the Select Team!” Mike Turgeon, Turgeon Jewelers
“The success of the Foxwoods show was a great beginning to Select’s 2018 season as we move onto our next two sold-out shows in Dallas and Select DC,” stated Jordan Brockhaus-Spears, show director. “The team and our wonderful exhibitors worked very hard to create a meaningful event for the jewelers.”
Other Select Jewelry Shows this year are at the Ritz-Carlton in Dallas, Texas, September 16-17, and Select DC, October 14-15 at the Gaylord National Resort, just minutes from Washington DC and nearby Ronald Reagan Airport in the National Harbor area of Maryland.
To register to attend a Select Show visit www.SelectJewelryShow.com.