Christina Clover, the brainchild of the gem-focused nonprofit, has traveled to East Africa twice and promotes Gem Legacy through her family-owned retail jewelry store, Field’s Jewelers in Redding, California. Monica Stephenson, founder of iDazzle and Anza Gems, has traveled to East Africa eleven times and has partnered in several of Gem Legacy’s initiatives. Ben Smithee, CEO of The Smithee Group and advisor to many in the jewelry industry, is passionate about sharing the story of gems and jewelry and providing his experience in the nonprofit world.
“We’ve selected people to surround my family who are well-versed in the jewelry industry, the nonprofit world, and the needs of those in the gem mining communities of East Africa,” said Roger Dery, Executive Director of Gem Legacy, Inc. “We are thankful to have people working alongside us who are passionate, driven, and determined. With them driving the mission of Gem Legacy, we believe our desire to see gems change the world, one family at a time, will come to fruition.”
[Pictured Left to right: Ben Smithee, Christina Clover, Monica Stephenson]
For more information please email [email protected] or visit gemlegacy.org.