The exciting new Tucson event will be held at the luxurious Westin la Paloma Resort in Tucson, Arizona on February 2-3, 2020, [pictured].
Select Tucson will be in keeping with the Select Show formula that works so well. A two-day event, Sunday and Monday. Small, limited number of better manufacturers and designers. Hosting better, exhibitor-invited retailers.
The Select Tucson schedule of Sunday and Monday, February 2-3 works perfectly for better retailers coming to town for Tucson’s other important shows. It will transition seamlessly into the kick-off of the major shows that open on the following day, Tuesday, February 4th such as AGTA GemFair. It does not interfere or overlap with the main Tucson shows. It provides buyers the opportunity to meet with well-known fine jewelry designers and manufacturers before the other shows for better use of their time.
Select Shows are known for their elegant yet fun and relaxed atmosphere, hosting for qualified buyers, delicious on-site breakfast and lunch for all attendees, Sunday night cocktail party, and a $10,000 raffle for the buyers to spend on the buying floor.
“We have received many inquiries about a Select style show in Tucson,” stated Joe Carullo, one of Select’s founders. “We view Select as fulfilling the role of facilitator for Select exhibitors and retailers; to provide comfort and convenience to meet and do business. After careful consideration and much discussion, we decided to move ahead.”
Retailers, manufacturers and designers who would like more information may email: [email protected]
To register to attend a Select Show visit www.SelectJewelryShow.com.