AGTA would like to recognize Mr. Jeffrey Bilgore for his excellent leadership as President, and Mr. Avi Raz and Ms. Kusam Malhotra for their commitment as Directors. AGTA would like to express appreciation for their years of service and dedication to AGTA and the Board of Directors. Their terms as President and Directors will end in February 2019.
The following Members will continue with their positions on the Board:
Pramod Agrawal, Bruce Bridges, Charles Carmona, Kimberly Collins, Jonathan Gad Bill Heher, Gina Latendresse, David Nassi, Hemant Phophaliya, Shekhar Shah, Simon Watt
About The American Gem Trade Association
The American Gem Trade Association is a not-for-profit Association serving the natural colored gemstone and cultured pearl industry since 1981. The AGTA serves the industry as "The Authority in Color" and has its headquarter office in Dallas, Texas. Since it’s inception in 1981, AGTA’s Membership has grown to over 1,200 Members in the United States and Canada. AGTA Members agree to the disclosure of gemstone enhancements on all commercial documents and to abide by the Association’s Code of Ethics and Principles of Fair Business Practices. Annual affirmation of the Code of Ethics, and enforcement by the AGTA, holds an AGTA Member to a stricter disclosure policy than required by the Federal Trade Commission. For more information please visit agta.org.