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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Paul H. Gesswein & Co., Inc Announces Promotion of Greg Gesswein

The Paul H. Gesswein & Co., Inc are pleased to announce the recent promotion of Greg Gesswein to the position of Vice President in Bridgeport, Connecticut to mark the beginning of the company’s 100th year anniversary.

Mr. Gesswein first began working in the packaging department at Paul H. Gesswein& Co., Inc. in 1992 when he was only 12 years old. He graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT. in 2003 and began working at the company. Starting in 2004, he moved to California and 
was named the West Coast Sales Representative. He traveled extensively all over the West Coast and worldwide for the company. In 2009, he moved back to Connecticut and was promoted to Industrial Manager. He focused on the industrial business and increased his managerial involvement in the company. Mr. Gesswein introduced Paul H. Gesswein & Co., Inc.’s first Mold Polishing class, which offers customers technical training for mold polishing using our latest equipment. The classes have been a great success and the company looks forward to a full class schedule in the upcoming year. 

In 2013, Mr. Gesswein began the two-year Executive MBA program at the University of New Haven. Upon his recent promotion to Vice President, he shares that his main focus is to grow the industrial side of the business and find new products that solve problems for customers, improve results, and increase efficiency. Greg Gesswein is a member of the Center for Family Business in Connecticut where he networks and discusses methods to improve family businesses. 

AT: 01/30/2014 11:23:47 AM   LINK TO THIS PRESS RELEASE

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