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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
New Smart Phone App for Retail Jewelry Sales

If you’re one of the myriad of retail jewelers who have been hearing about the rapid growth of mobile retail apps but don’t know where to begin or have the big bucks to finance your own – TryItOn Jewelry may be the answer.

There is something personal and exciting about trying jewelry on in person, but this app serves as a nice substitute. Overall, it is fun playing virtual dress up! Also since it is very easy to use and displays different trends and styles, it could attract a wide audience.

TryItOn Jewelry gives your customers a personal, interactive experience with trying on jewelry from the convenience of their mobile device. They can share the image through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Unlike some mobile apps TryItOn isn’t limited to a specific brand. You can upload of all the jewelry you carry in your store and TryItOn also has a variety participating suppliers lined up to for you to offer their lines on your app, too. It offers a range of features your tech savvy customers will love.

The app is available two ways; as a portal app which means a consumer puts in your stores ID to reach your store and as a stand alone with a direct connection to your store. Costs to the jeweler vary depending on which version the jeweler wants to use.

The TryItOn portal app is available free consumers from the Android and iTunes app stores by searching the name tryiton jewelry.

For more information call Chris the developer, who also happens to be a retail jeweler, at TryItOn Apps 877-438-4646.

AT: 01/28/2014 09:08:21 AM   LINK TO THIS PRESS RELEASE

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