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Monday, April 09, 2012
CIBJO Colored Stone Commission Releases Special Report
Nilam Alawdeen (Japan), president of the CIBJO Colored Stone Commission, released its annual Special Report, providing an overview of the issues that dominated the discussions and exchanges between the members of the CSC Steering Committee throughout the year. Additionally, the major topics slated for meetings for the 2012 CIBJO Congress that will take place in Vicenza, Italy this May..

On May 15, the CSCSC will dedicate a full day to its pre-congress meeting. It will discuss and preferably resolve a large number of colored stone-related issues, within the smaller but very knowledgeable forum of gem experts and will make recommendations to the full CSC meeting on May 17.

Both meetings will be chaired by CSC President Nilam Alawdeen (Japan), assisted by his two Vice Presidents, Emmanuel Piat (France) and Charles Abouchar ( Switzerland). The following are some of the topics that appear on the CSCSC and CSC agendas.... "

AT: 04/09/2012 12:14:08 PM   LINK TO THIS PRESS RELEASE

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