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Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Select by Centurion Prepares to Host a Series of Back to Back Shows

Select by Centurion anticipates great turn outs at their Nashville, Connecticut and Miami shows in the upcoming weeks.

Vendors are returning from the Select by Centurion show in Dallas, TX with smiles on their faces and orders on their clip boards. The Select Show by Centurion, provides a friendly setting with less stress and a less over whelming venue. This relatively new show is proving to be highly lucrative for attendees. The next show will be at the Lowes Vanderbilt in Nashville, TN Monday September 22-23, 2013. The weekend after, September 29-30, 2013, Select by Centurion will be at Foxwoods Hotel and Casino in Manhantucket, CT. Lastly, the Centurion show will head down to the Ritz Carlton in South Beach, FL and really start to heat things up October 5-7, 2013. For those traveling more than 100 miles to the show, will receive complimentary hotel rooms courtesy of Select by Centurion.

Only four years after its inception, Select by Centurion has found their niche in producing an intimate show setting that is low pressure and high traffic.

Joe Carullo and Bryan Cohen founded The Select Jewelry Show in 2010. The first Select Show was in San Francisco in 2010. Two years later, Joe and Bryan partnered with Howard Hauben, founder of The Centurion Show, to create Select By Centurion. The Select by Centurion is growing at a steady pace and is a fresh and exiting concept for manufacturers and retailers alike.

AT: 09/10/2013 12:15:47 PM   LINK TO THIS PRESS RELEASE

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