b'Artistry Catalog AddendumConsumers want to know the origin of products and their socio-Artistry has released a new catalog addendum featuring itseconomicandenvironmentalimpact,saidSusanJacques, newest designs for the Spring Season of 2019.GIA president and CEO. The GIA Diamond Origin Report fits perfectly with GIAs mission of educating and protecting the The9-pagesupplementincludesArtistrysnewestproductspublic and ensuring their trust in gems and jewelry. Consumers inpreciouscolor,semi-preciouscolor,diamond,goldandpurchasing one of Mother Natures greatest treasures, a natural sterling silver. The easy-to-use advertorial layout provides adiamond formed more than a billion years ago, will now know quick and straight-forward way for customers to peruse themore about their diamonds journey and the positive impact it latest offerings. has on the communities in the countries where diamonds are discovered.It is so thrilling to be able to present our customers with this new catalog supplement, said Susan Klemt Williams, ArtistrysGIAengagedwithminingcompanies,manufacturersand Vice President. We continue to work diligently to add newretailerstoidentifytheirtraceabilityneedsandconducted products that match industry trends for the season and hopeconsumerresearchwhichshowedthat69%ofU.S.bridal that many of these designs achieve the status of best-sellers inconsumers prefer to buy a diamond with an origin story.our customers stores. The Diamond Origin Report service is built on GIAs decades To learn more about Artistry, Ltd. and gain access to their catalogof scientific research into the formation and characteristics of andnewsupplement,pleasevisit,www.artistrylimited.com. natural diamonds, and the Institutes gemological examination of tens of millions of diamonds in its grading laboratories.When eligible polished diamonds are submitted to GIA for grading, they can be matched to the original submitted rough using physical measurements and other scientific data, said Tom Moses, GIA executive vice president and chief laboratory and research officer. If the data from the polished diamond and the rough match, GIA will confirm the country of origin provided by the mining company and include that information on the Diamond Origin Report.GIAhasalreadyprocessedthousandsofroughdiamonds GIA Introduces New Diamond Country of Originrangingfrom0.15caratsuptomorethan100carats.A Reports growingnumberofminers,manufacturersandretailersare GIA has introduced the GIA Diamond Origin Report serviceparticipating in the Diamond Origin Report program, including which will confirm the country of origin of polished diamonds.Alrosa, which joined the program in October 2018.To be eligible for this new service, the original rough diamondsThe new GIA Diamond Origin Report service is supported by and resulting polished diamonds must be submitted to GIA fordigital and print marketingincluding high definition images analysis so that they can be matched to each other and to confirmof the original rough and the resulting polished diamondtheorigininformationprovidedbytheparticipatingminingallowing retailers to convey the unique story of each diamond company. The new report will include the country of origin, atotheconsumer.GIAwillprovidedescriptivebrochures full 4Cs quality analysis of each diamond and a report numberexplaining the discovery and transformation of rough crystals inscription. More information about the country of origin andto polished diamonds and relating the social and economic diamond formation will be available for each Diamond Originbenefits of the industry in each country.Report in GIAs online Report Check service, accessible at GIA.edu or through the QR code printed on each report. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or visit Inrecentyears,therehasbeenagrowingdemandforhttps://www.gia.edu/diamond-origin-report-service.transparencyandtraceabilityinthediamondindustry.THE RETAIL JEWELER |81'