b'indicated across a variety ofoccasions (just because, birthday,with tapered spindle has emergency Safety-Off switch and self-love, etc.). is vibration isolated for extra quiet operation.Magnifier/Debris Shield, 2X Magnification with LEDs.In commenting on the research, SPS DirectorDebris capture/intake inlet - 4.5W x 1H (114.3 x 25.4mm).Michael Barlerin said, The I ntelligent control panel to monitor filter usage as well as Silver Promotion Service wasbag-full indicationpleased by the quantification of pent-up demand forCall 203-366-5400 or visit www.gesswein.com.jewelry purchases and obviously by the emphasis on silver jewelry. Perhaps the survey reflected the Silver Lining for U.S. retailers as our industry moves forward during these complex times.Quatro CB-1 Single-Spindle Desktop PolisherTheCB-1singlespindledesktoppolisherisuniqueinthe market because it provides both a HEPA filter and a sealable filter bag in a compact, bench top unit. Joryel Vera FallWinter Styles DebutThe 1/2 HP, single speed, (3,450rpm), open, filtered Cool BlueDesigner Joryel Vera has polishing motor is self-cooling, drawing air in on one side andintroduced their new fall discharging it on the other. Accommodates up to a 6 buffwinter sterling silver and(shown but not included). multi colored gemstone collection. This necklace from Easily inspect your work with the included 2X magnifier. This 7the collection has an MSRP(17.74cm) diameter magnifier and debris shield has a separateof $1,770.on/off switch to operate the LED lights. Installed on 13 (33cm) long, fully adjustable swivel arm. For more informationcall 561-508-2945 or visitKeep your area clean with 2-stage filtration. Uses both sealablewww.JoryelVeraWholesale.comcube-style filters, which can be sent to your refiner to reclaimJewelers Best Friend Sink Trapgold dust and a 99.97% effective HEPA filter. Stoplosingpreciousmetalwastewhichequatestomoney Electrical: 120V, 12A. CFM: 100. Sound Level at Full Speed:down your drain! Refining your precious metal waste has never 56 dBA. Dimensions (W x D x H): 14.5 x 18.5 x 10 (368 xbeen easier with the help of the Jewelers Best Friend Sink 470 x 254mm).Trap. This device is designed to capture/recover ALL precious Backed by a one-year manufacturers warranty. Made inmetals from your waste water. Canada.Note: Rinsing two spoons full of granulated chlorine powder (available at pool supply stores) into your trap once per week Features: will help maintain sanitary trap conditions and minimize odor. 2-stage filtration: Sealable cube-style bag, True 99.97%The system comes in 3 convenient sizes; 43-ounce, 64-ounce, HEPA filter. and 128-ounce. Each Jewelers Best Friend comes completeConvenience: Dust collector starts when you start thewith a pre-assembled main assembly with bottle and gasket, polishing motor. as well as, 1 replacement bottle and O-ring gasket. Piping to hook up under your sink is also included (8 (203mm) tail Cool Blue open filtered polishing motor (1/2 HP, single speed)THE RETAIL JEWELER |61'