b'protect themselves and their businesses. Both urge strip mallsecure, and successful operations. Consumers also put their jewelers to heed the following security practices: trust in Jewelers Mutual to protect their personal jewelry and Update your call list so alarm system notifications can bethe special moments it represents. responded to promptly.ConsideraredundantalarmsystemtocomplementyourTheGroupinsurersstrongfinancialpositionisreflectedin current alarm system. their34consecutiveratingsofA+SuperiorfromA.M. BestCompany.Insurancecoverageisofferedbyeither Arrange to meet the police at your protected property whenJewelers Mutual Insurance Company, SI (a stock insurer) or JM responding to any alarm notification. Do not arrive alone! Specialty Insurance Company. Policyholders of both insurersSeekapprovalfromyourlandlordtoinstalltemporaryare members of Jewelers Mutual Holding Company. To learn camerasandmotiondetectorsinanyvacantadjoiningmore, visit JewelersMutual.com.spaces, secluded rear entrance and the ceiling.Double-check that your roof and common walls with otherABOUT THE JEWELERS SECURITY ALLIANCE adjacent properties are adequately protected. If possible,TheJewelersSecurityAlliance(JSA)isanon-profittrade move your safe from the common or shared wall. If movingassociationprovidingcrimepreventioninformationand the safe from the common wall isnt an option, reinforce theservicestothejewelryindustry.JSA,foundedin1883,has wall with steel plating. over 20,000 member locations and works closely with the FBII nvest in full motion and vibration alarm protection on safesandlawenforcementagencies.Formoreinformation,visit as well as welded shelves to minimize the chance of losingjewelerssecurity.org. everything in the safe. Jewelers for Children Announces JFC Day for 2021 Check your safes for adequate physical protection. Burglary- The fourth annual JFC Day will be held on Saturday September resistantUL-ratedTL-15andTL-30safeshaverecently25, 2021. JFC Day is a day for all supporters of JFC and for been targeted in these attacks and have been successfullypotential new ones to celebrate the success of the industrys compromised. Consider upgrading to a TRTL-30X6 safe. support for children in need and raise visibility and funds for For more resources and services available to support jewelersthe charity. safety and security, visit JewelersMutual.com/stripmalls or contactDuringtheinauguralJFCDayin2018,retailersacrossthe theLossPreventionteamatlossprevention@jminsure.com.countryranpromotionsintheirstorestocelebratethe ABOUT JEWELERS MUTUAL GROUP industrys success of helping thousands of children through the JFC charity partners. The program has grown each year with Jewelers Mutual Group was founded in 1913 by a group ofsupport from companies like Days Jewelers, Reeds Jewelers Wisconsinjewelerstomeettheiruniqueinsuranceneeds.and Wells Fargo. Today, the Group offers products and services nationwide and throughout Canada that enable jewelry businesses to run safe,TheJFCDaycelebrationalsogetssupportfromtheJFC charities, including the National CASA/GAL Association whose staff and volunteers from their local program across the country visit jewelers to say thanks. Coming out of the pandemic, we are all ready to get back to normal. Said Debra Puzio, JFC Board Chair. JFC Day presents a unique opportunity for all of us to come together and recognize that issues like childhood illness and abuse and neglect are still occurring and children are one of our major priorities.Anyone can participate in JFC Day. Suppliers, retailers and consumers can help us recognize the accomplishment of raising more than $ 57 million to support kids. Suppliers can reach out to all of their retail customers, asking them to participate in the 46 | The Jewelry Business Magazine'