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Thursday, May 01, 2014
Why did your customer NOT buy that Necklace?
by Aleah Arundale
Do you know why that woman, who really liked that necklace, walked out without buying it? Because she HAS a necklace! YES. She likes yours more, but she thinks it would be irresponsible to buy another necklace since she already has a one.

"Well, what is wrong with having lots of necklaces?!" Sorry. In the down economy many people came to realize they could be happy with less stuff. Today people want less clutter. Getting rid of things people don't need makes them feel good.

WHY don't you buy a new TV?
Well, because you have a TV. You feel it would be extravagant or irresponsible to buy a new one when you already have one. However, what if you could trade your old TV in for a new one! Then you would FEEL GOOD about getting a better TV.

The car industry figured this out. Car companies offer great incentives for trade-ins. Consignment clothes stores are thriving. People feel it's ok to buy new clothes if they get rid of old ones. If you can help that lady trade in her old necklace she will upgrade to your new one!

The goal in sales is to get the customer to FEEL GOOD about what they are buying, especially in our industry! We sell emotion. People do not buy luxury items for logical reasons. They BUY jewelry because it makes them FEEL special, richer, smarter, or more attractive. That's why people want diamond grading reports. It helps them FEEL good about what they are buying.

Aleah, How can I be more Eco-Jewelry Friendly??

If you promote and suggest trade-ins, not only will you be more Eco-responsible, but also you will close more sales! Have a promotion to get $25 off a new watch when you bring in your old watch. When a shopper is looking at a necklace ASK them if they have other necklaces to bring in. You could even consign it for them in your case.

(But Aleah, we already ask if they have any gold to bring in towards this purchase? Asking for gold does not present the same feeling. It makes it about YOU wanting gold and less about THEM feeling good. It needs to be about them. Make sure you convey you are helping them UP GRADE to a better piece of jewelry.)

AT: 05/01/2014 11:36:18 AM   LINK TO THIS ENTRY

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