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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
What's Good for the Diamond Industry?
by Jeff Fischer
I have been privileged to serve on a number of our industry's various organizations and have repeatedly listened to the complaint that "we have too many damn organizations." I have even joined that chorus at times.

I happen to have great respect for our industry organizations – having seen first hand the "roll up your sleeves and get the work done" attitude of the involved parties.

But this piece is not to extol the virtues of our existing organizations. It's more a rant about something that's missing – something that desperately needs fixing.

Organization to promote ethical behavior in the jewelry industry? – got it covered; Organization to set the highest standards in gemstone grading? – check;
Organization to help make credit decisions? – check that too;
Organization to protect our physical security – done. –. Many great organizations.

But why no organization to promote diamonds to the consuming public? Every other industry from gold, silver, and platinum to cotton and even pickles seems to get it. We just can't get our act together.

The creation of the IDB (International Diamond Board) – raised our hopes that an organized, professional promotional effort would finally become reality. Instead, the idea lies in a coma awaiting resuscitation. If the IDB is not the best platform to promote diamonds, let's work on another.

Most engaged members of our industry belong to some industry organization or another. The organizations communicate among each other more than you might imagine. Make your voice heard. Tell Industry leadership you believe in the need for a promotional body, and want them to deliver that message to the diamond producers and all interested parties.

Enticing new products, vacations, endless temptations will continue to proliferate exponentially, vying for consumer interest. How arrogant to take for granted that diamonds will passively resonate forever.

Too many good ideas float around our industry in and endless, unproductive circle with nowhere to go. If we allow subjects like industry-wide promotion to continue an endless spiral, then like flushing water spiraling down the toilet, that's where our prospects for a prosperous future are headed.

Jeff Fischer
President of Fischer Diamonds, Inc.

AT: 10/18/2011 10:51:18 PM   LINK TO THIS ENTRY

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